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The School Day

Drop off and Collection Arrangements from September 2022 Drop-off arrangements The gates to the KS1 and the KS2 playgrounds will be opened at the times stated in the table below:


Drop-Off Arrangement

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The gate will be open at 8:40 for EYFS. Children in EYFS will line up with their parents/carers in class lines and be taken into school by EYFS staff. Year 1 and Year 2 children and their parents/carers will be able to access the playground from 8:45, lining up in year group lines (one for Y1; one for Y2). Children will then be taken into school by their teachers/teaching assistants (Year 1 – through the hall and Year 2 through the Year 2 external door). The gate for the key stage 2 playground will be opened at 8:40. Children in Key Stage 2 will come into school through the Key Stage 2 playground and walk to their classrooms. Parents and carers should not come onto the playground; goodbyes can be said at the main gate.



Collection Arrangements

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Parents/carers of children in the Foundation Stage (EYFS) will form a queue each day (using the same class lines followed at drop-off) so that members of staff can facilitate a safe and orderly handover of individual children.


In Years 1 and 2, each class will have its own designated place on the Key Stage 1 playground where children will line up and be ‘handed over’ to their parent/carer.


For 1C, this will be by their class outdoor area gate.


For 1M, this will be next to the school field.


Year 2 will gather in classes at the back of the playground, at the side closest to Manor Road. All children will stand in class lines at the end of the school day, at their designated collection points and will be handed over to parents/carers.


Children in Years 3-6 with siblings in the Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1 or children who will be collected by childminders will be taken down to the KS1 playground at the end of the day. Childminders will be able to wait in the Eden Road/Manor Road corner of the playground.


In Key Stage 2, each class will have a designated collection point on the playground. Children will line up at these points and parents/carers can collect the children from these areas. Year 3 children will be based near the Year 3 classrooms; Year 4 will be based near the Year 4 classrooms/quiet area; Year 5 children will be based near the trim trail and Year 6 near the grass/school garden area.


Breakfast Club and After School Club will both take place in the Key Stage 1 Hall. Drop-off for Breakfast Club and collection from After School Club will be at the Key Stage 1 Hall door which should be accessed via the Key Stage 1 gate onto the KS1 playground.


Please share all of this information with the people you are authorising to drop off and collect your child (e.g. grandparents, other family members, older siblings, childminders etc). Please be aware that these arrangements may need to change if circumstances change. Thank you for your continued support.

School Opening Hours 

Please see above for individual year group times


Compulsory School day for all children 9.00am-3.30pm (EYFS 8.55am-3.25pm) 32.5 hours. Although please see above for times individual Year Groups are expected to be in school.


Breaks during the days are staggered depending on the year group. 

Morning breaks are either 10.00am - 10.15am or 10.15am-10.30am

Lunch is 12.00pm-1.00pm

Afternoon Breaks are either 2.05pm-2.15pm or 2.20pm-2.30pm


Before and after school provision 7.30am-8.40am and 3.30pm-5.30pm


Office hours 8.30am-4.30pm


Site team 7.00am-11am and 2.15pm-5.45pm

School Gateway Uniform Link
ofsted website link


St Mary's Primary School

Eden Road


HU17 7HD

01482 868149

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