Community Links
The school has some strong links with the local community. Educational visits are made to variouslocal businesses during the year including Beverley Racecourse and Pizza Express. Links with StMary’s Church are very strong and the children regularly worship there. Members of the congregation run the school’s Scripture Union Primary Age (SUPA Club).
We have links with Westwood Park Residential Home in Molescroft and the children visit to sing and talk to the residents.
Parents, grandparents and carers are invited to school throughout the year to support the curriculum and to offer first-hand experience that the children relish. We continue to forge links with parents and the additional support they offer in especially through sports and sporting activities.
St Mary’s recognises the importance of teaching children about the value and importance of the local community and we take part in many of the events which happen in Beverley. We recognise how lucky we are to have such a rich educational resource on our doorstep and make the most of this. We are very proud of our lovely town!