The first line of defence from the sun is to cover up. Hats and sunglasses (named) may be
brought to school. Children can also wear a thin, white, cotton long-sleeved top under a
summer dress or boys could wear long sleeved shirts and trousers, rather than shorts.
However, we recognise that on hot days, children may be more comfortable in short sleeves,
summer dresses and shorts.
The school’s policy with sunscreen at school is to ask parents to use a long lasting sunscreen
in the mornings and to make arrangements to come to school at lunchtime to top up if
needed. (Boots and many other pharmacies have an 8 hour children’s sunscreen)
In the interests of supporting those parents, carers and children who feel that further
sunscreen protection is needed and cannot get to the school to provide this at lunchtime, a
supply of sunscreen can be sent to school for your child if you wish to do so. The sunscreen
must be clearly labelled with your child’s name and sunscreen cannot be shared with other
children. You will be asked to give written permission by completing a form available on the
school website. If you have not got an email address a form may be collected from the school
The sunscreen will be kept out of reach in classrooms and will be available on sunny days as
the children leave the children to go out for lunch. The children will have a short time to
apply their sunscreen, before it is returned to the safe place. It is assumed that sunscreen
will be applied at home to cover the morning session. If necessary, the children would also
be able to apply sunscreen as they go out to play in the afternoon.
The application of sunscreen can only be done by your child(ren), so if you do wish them to
do this, you must make sure they know what to do, where to put it and how much to use.
Staff will not be able to supervise individual children. Only ‘rub on’ sunscreen cream is
acceptable, since the spray versions and lotions are not suitable for use by children in school.