Road Safety and Sustainable Travel Ambassadors
The St. Mary's CE Primary school Road Safety team was formed over 15 years ago and has grown from strength to strength. Mrs Wendy Copley is the Road Safety Champion who acts as the adult ambassador and guides the Junior Travel Ambassadors through each road safety and sustainable travel event and initiative.
Our school has been successful over the years, working with Modeshift, ( The Sustainable Travel Awards, STAR's) to achieve Gold Award status four times, each one taking three years to obtain.
The team meet each week and brainstorm ideas for the following month, keeping the program of events fresh and exciting! Being a JTA is a very responsible role, having to stand in front of the whole school to promote road safety and sustainable travel, organise events and competitions and speak to invited guests.
This role helps to build confidence, understanding of other peoples ideas and a sense of pride.
We have most recently been nominated for School of the Region, which we have won in the past.
Our new status as a mentoring school has given the team a new challenge. They will present an assembly at a local school to promote and encourage others to think about sustainable travel.
Our commitment to creating a clean air zone , has resulted in the school now having specially made signs from the Highways Department being installed.
St. Mary's JTA's hold a charity stall twice a year to raise funds for Brake the road safety charity and to allow us to buy prizes for our many competitions throughout the year.
This is just a snap shot of some of the events and initiatives the JTA's put together throughout the year.